Integrative Wellness Studio

Licensed Massage Therapist

With certifications and specializations in structural alignment and myofascial release, orthopedic massage, integrative manual therapy, prenatal and infant massage, deep tissue and sports massage, cupping, Gua Sha, and restorative stretch coaching.

Full-Spectrum Infrared Sauna

Helps the body heal from toxins, tissue damage, inflammation and more. Glowing skin is just a bonus!

Sonic Vibration Machine

WBV (sound-wave based vibration) delivers an array of benefits to the human body: efficient gentle exercise, improved stretch response, lymphatic detox, and deep relaxation to name a few.

Corrective Exercise Specialist

Integrated assessment, personalized continuum, one-on-one coaching of sequences and techniques.

Health & Wellness Coach

Goal setting and organization, nutrition and shopping, stress management, and physical activity planning.

Herbal Teas & Remedies

Integrated assessment, personalized continuum, one-on-one coaching of sequences and techniques.
Mend Integrative Wellness
25 E. DeSoto St.
Pensacola, FL 32501
(850) 378-6897